Do you like full screen photos?
Messee is the first,
Real full screen
photo sharing
and messaging application.
This looks great!
Real full screen
Clean design
Unintrusive photo & message
Easy to use
Minimalist UI
How to use Messee
How does it work?
Just tap and hold the "send" button for a second.
The taken photo or your selfie will be set as a
background for your conversation.
(Click on the image to play video)
The feeling of holding a photo, not a device in your hands is spectacular.
Receiving a full screen photo with text provides a wonderful feeling of closure. Full screen photo adds liveliness to messaging.
Seeing the photo of the person I am chatting with, while typing a message is amazing!
The original Messee idea
New messages appear on top,
The picture scales to the amount of text on screen.
(Builds and runs in development environment).
(Click on the image to play video)